Boris Dubrov. «Children Klezmers»

Oil on canvas. 150х120. 2017. Private collection, Israel

Gallery: Judaica

“Then the LORD will scatter you among all the people of the world, from one end of the earth to the other…” (Deuteronomy, 28:64)

1879…. Eastern Europe, Poland, three and a half million Jews, hundreds of synagogues, since the 14th century, they were welcomed with Bruhim Habaim, welcome here….

The Second World War, 1939…. Poland…. ID arm bands with the Star of David on them, nearly five years of operation of the gas chambers’ fans and of the crematorium furnaces – the Nazi death factories, two million and eight hundred thousand human lives which disappeared in them…. Plashow, Treblinka, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Sobíbor, Gross-Rosen, Belźeċ…. There is no place on earth where more people would be killed.

The Second World War ... The righteous among the nations, a small part of the majority pf people indifferent to the tragedy of the Jews…. Rescuing another person’s life, jeopardizing one’s own life…. “In gratitude from the Jewish people. He who saves one life, saves the world”…. Ten per cent of the rescued lives….

After the war, pogroms in Poland started again, this time under the motto “Finish Hitler’s work!”…. In 1960, there were only 35,000 Jews living in Poland, less than one per cent of the number of Jews who lived in the country before WWII, and in 2002, the Polish census revealed only 1,133 Jews...
All this was later…. And now….

1879…. Poland, Kraków, the Jewish quarter Kazimierz, sixty-eight thousand Jews, several dozen synagogues, Bruhim Habaim, welcome, since the XIVth century…. Four brothers, an orchestra rehearsal…. Births, circumcisions, iBar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish religious ritual commemorating the religious adulthood of a boy on his 13th birthday.s, weddings, deaths – joy and tears hand in hand, the family events are shared by the entire community…..

Pallete knife