Boris Dubrov. «Tfilin»

Oil on canvas, 60х120. 2005, a private collection, Israel

Gallery: Judaica

Thirteen years and one day, coming of age, a iBar Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish religious ritual commemorating the religious adulthood of a boy on his 13th birthday., the synagogue... this is the first time that the commandment of reading the Torah and of placing tfilin is performed. Tfila is a prayer, and tfilin are two prayers…. Extracts from the Torah written on parchment. Two little black boxes made from skins of kosher animals on black belts. One is worn on a naked left hand and is turned towards the heart, while the second one is worn on the head, turned towards the thoughts… Then life may be different, but at least once in a boy’s life…

Pallete knife