Boris Dubrov. «The Mystery of the Merkava. Hesed»

(The Mystery of God’s Chariot. Splendor)
Oil on canvas. 150х110. 2009. Author`s collection.

Gallery: Kabrealism

Mercy and kindness, absolute mercy and the ability to forgive even the gravest fault, the element of water opposing fire and the White Lion… The Creator’s love and the love of Man for the others, for the world, for himself… Archangel Rafael brings correction and recovery.

The white prayer shawl itallit A tallit is a men’s prayer shawl of a rectangular shape in Judaism (Hebrew). , white tzitzityot... The white color is the color of the angels and the righteous and the spiritual strength burning the evil, the white flame in which the Fiery Bull disappears. There is a rod from ten sephirot in the paw of the White Lion – the world is based upon mercy….

The Lion’s muscles are filled with the strength of mercy, the most powerful energy of the Universe. Yet, one can get drowned in the waters of excessive mercy… and then the white color turns into emptiness, icy silence, the color of mourning….

The process of cognition of Creation needs both the limitless light of the Creator's Mercy and his severe Judgement. In permanent counteraction of the relentless sephira of the Gevurah in the image of the Fiery Bull and of the merciful sephira of Hesed in the image of the White Lion, balance and harmony of the Universe are born – the sephira of Tif’eret, the Green Eagle, guarding the sephira of Malkuth – the Kingdom, the material world of the Tree of Life, which, in the image of a human face, watches the Universe through the Sun and the Moon.

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